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From Modeling to Motherhood – Kelly Shares Her TRUE FORM ABDOMINOPLASTY® Experience With Dr. Patronella: “I think my tummy looks better now than it did before kids!” 

Posted July 23, 2020 in Body Contouring, Diastasis Recti, Mommy Makeover, True Form Body Contouring®, True Form Tummy Tuck®, Tummy Tuck

Kelly Shares Her Tummy Tuck Experience With Dr. Patronella

Though she initially struggled with the decision to have a tummy tuck because she was “afraid it was selfish,” Kelly said, “What I have found is that it has made me a better mom because I am comfortable in my own skin again. I am not missing precious moments with my children because my mind is too focused on sucking in my tummy. Today, I can play joyfully with them on the beach, wearing whatever swimsuit I want and not give any thought to my tummy.”

By Sherri Roberts

“Just wanted to drop a quick “thank you” to Dr. P for making this twin Mom fit right in on South Beach. Thank you, Dr. P!!!  Your passion, artistry, and expertise make all the difference!
After having twins, Kelly was left with a protruding abdomen due to separation of the abdominal muscle wall

After having twins, Kelly was left with a protruding abdomen due to separation of the abdominal muscle wall (left photo). Dr. Patronella performed a True Form Tummy Tuck to repair the muscle wall and restore a toned, softly-contoured appearance to her abdomen (right).

We love receiving photos and notes from our patients which radiate their confidence and joy. Many express gratitude for the positive impact their new look has had upon their lives. When Kelly sent us the email above with beach photos, we were thrilled and thankful for her willingness to share her thoughts regarding her journey from international modeling to motherhood, her conflicting feelings about her post pregnancy body and her dramatic physical and emotional transformation following a True Form Tummy Tuck® with Dr. Patronella.

Q. Kelly, please tell us a bit about your background.

I began modeling as a teenager, and had a successful career based in New York City, until my late twenties. I was so fortunate to be able to travel the world, working for some of fashion’s biggest names—shooting for many magazines, catalogues, and ad campaigns.

As I approached my thirties, I decided to move on to the next chapter of my life: motherhood. In December of 2015, my husband and I received the incredible news that we were pregnant with twins! I had an uneventful, healthy pregnancy and carried my boys until 38 weeks. In August 2016, I gave birth to two beautiful, perfect, healthy boys (over 6 pounds each!) via a scheduled c-section. 

Kelly, during her pregnancy with twins

Kelly, during her pregnancy with twins

Q. How would you describe your experience, transitioning from full-time modeling to motherhood?

The first year went by in a flash. I dove head first into my new role as a mommy but also struggled with the transition from my previous life. In spite of this wonderful new purpose in my life, I was still going through a grieving process of my “old” self.  My body had changed, which I tried to accept as a badge of honor, but, deep down, I really struggled with it. I had been exercising and eating well for the better part of that first year, but my once-flat tummy was just not responding the way the rest of my body was.

I had a pooch that wouldn’t budge. I felt self-conscious enough that I began shopping for the obligatory “mom swimsuit” to keep myself as covered as possible while taking my babes to the pool. While at the pool, I found myself so self-conscious that I found it difficult to be present and enjoy the time swimming with my boys.  

That’s when I decided to call Dr. P to help restore my body to its original glory! My pooch was caused by muscle separation that wasn’t ever going to get better, no matter how much I exercised, so I scheduled a True Form Tummy Tuck with Dr. P in October 2017.

"I found myself on South Beach, absolutely comfortable in my own skin, present and happy with my then two-year old boys while wearing an itty bitty string bikini!"

“I found myself on South Beach, absolutely comfortable in my own skin, present and happy with my then two-year old boys while wearing an itty bitty string bikini!”

Q. What do you think about your results with Dr. Patronella?

I have been soooo thrilled with the result we achieved. I think my tummy actually looks better now than it did before, if that’s even possible after twins! Last month, my family traveled to Florida for vacation. I found myself on South Beach, absolutely comfortable in my own skin, present and happy with my then two-year old boys while wearing an itty bitty string bikini! Dr. P had done it! I had wanted my body “restored,” and there I was back in model form! 

Q. How did this transformation impact you psychologically?

Aside from the obvious aesthetic improvement, the absolute improvement in my self-confidence has been life-changing. I had initially struggled with making the decision because I was afraid it was selfish. What I have found is that it has made me a better mom because I am comfortable in my own skin again.  I am not missing precious moments with my children because my mind is too focused on sucking in my tummy. Today, I can play joyfully with them on the beach, wearing whatever swimsuit I want and not give any thought to my tummy. My former self and my current self have been reconciled!

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