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Reverse Tummy Tuck in Houston, TX

The midsection is one of the most common areas of the body for cosmetic frustrations. That is because age and life events (like pregnancy and childbirth) can create excess fat deposits and sagging skin.

While traditional tummy tuck surgery (including Dr. Patronella’s True Form Tummy Tuck®) addresses cosmetic concerns in the lower abdomen (below the navel), many women and men suffer from sagging skin above the belly button.

To correct aesthetic concerns in the upper abdomen, reverse tummy tuck surgery can be performed. This procedure is often performed on women and men who have experienced significant weight loss (whether through diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery).

Christopher K. Patronella - MD, FACS, FICS

Am I a Candidate for a Reverse Tummy Tuck?

Houston reverse tummy tuck candidates are women and men who suffer from excess and sagging skin in the upper abdomen due to weight loss. Ideal candidates are healthy non-smokers who have realistic expectations.

How Is a Reverse Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

Dr. Patronella will administer anesthesia to ensure you do not experience any pain during your surgery.

Next, Dr. Patronella will make a single incision that runs from one side of your torso to the other along the inframammary fold beneath the breasts.

Dr. Patronella will then remove the remaining pockets of subcutaneous fat with liposuction. The underlying tissue above the belly button will be tightened with sutures, and excess skin will be surgically removed.

Once this skin is excised, the remaining abdominal skin will be pulled tight, and the incisions will be closed.

Woman with nice body in white

What Can I Expect After My Reverse Tummy Tuck?

You will likely experience bruising, swelling, and soreness after your reverse tummy tuck in Houston. These side effects can be present for up to two weeks, but they will dissipate over time. You will also need to wear your prescribed compression garments for six to eight weeks. These garments help speed up your recovery and improve your results.

It is important that you refrain from strenuous activities until Dr. Patronella clears you. Most patients can return to work after one to two weeks.

What Results Are Possible With a Reverse Tummy Tuck?

While you can see some of your results immediately, it can take several months for your swelling to subside and your final results to develop.

Once your healing has finalized, you can enjoy a more toned and sculpted physique that can be long lasting when paired with a healthy lifestyle. In addition to improved body contours, you can look forward to feeling more confident with your appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reverse Tummy Tuck Surgery

How painful is reverse tummy tuck surgery?

Because your reverse tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia, you will not feel any pain or discomfort during your procedure. Dr. Patronella can administer EXPAREL®, a long-acting, non-opioid local anesthetic, to help minimize pain immediately following your reverse tummy tuck surgery and to help speed up recovery.

While you can expect to feel some soreness and discomfort over the first several days after your procedure, medication will be prescribed to help reduce pain you feel during your recovery period.

Will I have a scar after my reverse tummy tuck?

Reverse tummy tuck surgery requires an incision, meaning that you will have a scar. While this scar will run the width of your torso, it will be in an area that can be easy to hide with clothing and undergarments. The scar will fade significantly over the first two years.

How much will my reverse tummy tuck cost in Houston?

  • As with any plastic surgery procedure, the cost of reverse tummy tuck surgery varies with each patient and depends on the procedure’s extent and whether the reverse tummy tuck is combined with other procedures. The cost of your Houston tummy tuck will include various fees, such as your board-certified anesthesiologist fee, facility fee, and post-op care.You can refer to the price list here to get a general idea of your cost; however, you will be given an accurate cost estimate during your consultation.

How long will my results last?

Reverse tummy tuck results are typically long lasting, providing that a healthy weight is maintained. Significant fluctuations in your weight can cause excess and sagging skin to develop. Because of this, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise is recommended to support an enduring outcome.

How long until I can resume my regular exercise routine?

You will want to make sure you refrain from strenuous activities, including lifting weights and high-impact exercises, for at least six weeks. Pushing your body too soon can put unnecessary stress on your healing incisions, which can prolong your recovery and harm your results.

What are the complications associated with this procedure?

Though rare, complications with a reverse tummy tuck include:

  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Hematoma
  • Seroma
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Asymmetry

Can a reverse tummy tuck be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes. A reverse tummy tuck can be performed as a standalone procedure or combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures to give patients a more complete and dynamic transformation.

Some of the procedures that can be combined with a reverse tummy tuck include:

Want to Learn More About Reverse Tummy Tuck Surgery in Houston, TX?

If you have any questions about reverse tummy tuck surgery or any of the other procedures we offer, please give us a call at (713) 575-1996 or fill out our online form.

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Houston, TX 77024

1(713) 575-1996
