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Ab Sculpting for Six-Pack Abs

Posted July 13, 2017 in Ab Sculpting

It’s far easier to dream of washboard abs than it is to achieve them. Even with hours of exercise and clean eating, some men never develop the extraordinarily toned and coveted six-pack abs of film stars. Abdominal sculpting can create natural-looking ab contours that will give you the six-pack look you desire.

What Is Ab Sculpting?

Workout results. Cropped image of muscular man standing

Ab sculpting is a plastic surgery procedure that sculpts the abdominal contours to create the appearance of a six-pack. Dr. Patronella uses liposculpture to carefully remove fat from specific areas, creating ripples in the abdomen that accentuate the abdominal muscles. To qualify for the treatment, candidates must have only a modest amount of stubborn abdominal fat, and their skin should be elastic and strong.

Why Do Men Get Ab Sculpting?

Men who desire a toned, six-pack abdomen may undergo ab sculpting when their own efforts to achieve a six-pack have been fruitless. Dr. Chris Patronella, the creator of the True Form Tummy Tuck®, knows that an attractive abdomen has natural-looking definition and sculpted contours. He offers ab sculpting to male candidates who want carefully contoured abdominal muscles, especially if they are unable to achieve them with exercise.

The Ab Sculpting Procedure

Dr. Patronella performs ab sculpting with liposculpture. A small cannula, which is a thin, hollow tube, is inserted into the abdominal area through a tiny incision. Through the cannula, excess abdominal fat is suctioned out of the body. Dr. Patronella is careful to remove fat selectively so that the natural muscular contours can become more prominent and visible. The cannula is moved to other areas of the abdomen as needed to create the most attractive and desirable muscle definition lines. The procedure is simple and takes only one hour or less. Most patients can resume work activities within three to five days and may even return to their normal exercise routines within one week.

The Benefits of Ab Sculpting

The primary benefit of ab sculpting is that it can create a six-pack. This is a huge draw for men who either are unable to put in the exercise hours required or who have been unsuccessful in achieving a six-pack despite many hours of hard work. In addition, ab sculpting also reduces waist size. The fat removal process can safely and significantly reduce a man’s waistline and improve his clothing fit. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, men can retain their six-pack and even enhance the results of their ab sculpting procedure.

To learn more about ab sculpting, schedule your consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Chris Patronella. Call (713) 575-1996 or contact us online today.

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