Breast Revision 129351
Breast Revision 129351
Back To Corrective/Revision Breast Implant Surgery GalleryDescription:
Ht 5’6” Wt 135 lb
36 yo developed significant “Bottoming Out” of her implants several months after subpectoral breast augmentation creating both discomfort and a very unattractive appearance. She was very self-conscious and understandably upset with the results of her previous surgery.
The goals of revision surgery were to:
1- Raise the inframammary breast fold 3 cm on each side to shorten the distance between the nipple and breast fold and create better balance of volume between the upper and lower breasts
2- Remove the 250cc moderate profile silicone implant and replace with a 350 cc high provide implant to enhance upper pole fullness.
1- Bilateral Inframmary Fold repair
2- Removal of 250 cc moderate profile silicone implant and Reaugmentation with 350cc high profile silicone implant ( Subpectoral)
Before Cup 34C After Cup 34D